If you are currently in a situation where immediate medical, police, or other emergency services are needed, call 911 or the UC Merced Police Department at 209.CAT.COPS (209.228.2677)
Ready to report?
Workplace Violence Prevention Program
Individuals that witness any incident of workplace violence are encouraged to report through the incident reporting portal as soon as it is safe to do so. http://https://wvp.ucmerced.edu
Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Misconduct
The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) oversees the student disciplinary system for reports of suspected student misconduct such as computer misuse, classroom disruption, alcohol, theft, and conduct that threatens health and safety. http://osrr.ucmerced.edu/file-report
Academic Misconduct
The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) oversees the student disciplinary system for reports of suspected both academic misconduct such as cheating, plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. http://osrr.ucmerced.edu/file-report
Student Grievance Procedures
The Student Grievance Procedures documentation is developed by the Chancellor and approved by Student Academic Services at UC Office of the President, in consultation with the Office of General Counsel, and outlines procedures to resolve grievances claiming to have been the subject of any of the following types of University action:
•Violation of privacy rights.
•Discriminatory practices based on gender.
•Discriminatory practices based on disability.
•Discriminatory practices based on race, color, or national origin.
Other types of actions that may be grieved, such as discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, age, or marital status, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, citizenship, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled.
In addition, the Student Grievance Procedures, in 901.E.3.c, cover the process for complaints related to grading. http://osrr.ucmerced.edu/file-report
Title VII and Title IX
Title IX prohibits sex or gender discrimination in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. UC Merced is committed to creating and maintaining a community free of all forms of discrimination and harassment, including gender discrimination. Gender discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, which are prohibited by law and University policy. The Title IX office takes reports of gender discrimination, including allegation of sexual harassment and sexual violence. The Title IX coordinator ensures that all complaints are handled in accordance with established policies and procedures. For more information visit: https://ophd.ucmerced.edu/
Ethics and Compliance
The University of California has a responsibility to conduct its affairs ethically and in compliance with the law. If you suspect that a UC employee is engaged in improper governmental activities, you should know that UC has policies on "blowing the whistle" and protection from retaliation. Improper governmental activities include: Violations of state or federal laws or regulations (e.g., corruption, malfeasance, bribery, theft or misuse of government property, fraud, coercion and conversion); economic waste; and gross misconduct, gross incompetence or gross inefficiency. For more information visit: http://ethics.ucmerced.edu/reporting-improper-activities
Risk Services
Incident Reporting is intended to record the initial facts of an incident which fall into the categories defined below. The information gathered is important for analyzing the cause of an incident and implementing corrective and preventive measures to minimize recurrence. The Incident Reporting form is to be used to report within 24 hours of initial discovery, or as soon as practical, any incident or near miss involving UC Merced employees, students, guests, or volunteers. This form can be completed by any UCM employee, student, guest or volunteer. For more information contact Cindi Zimmerman at Tel (209) 386-3079 or czimmerman3@ucmerced.edu. For more information visit: http://risk.ucmerced.edu
Protecting Minors on Campus
UC Merced is committed to protecting the safety and welfare of minors who visit our campus or who are included in a variety of programs and activities sponsored by the University or by third parties using University facilities or resources. In addition many of our undergraduate students are under the age of 18. UC Merced’s policy is to comply with its obligations under The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”) to promote identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. All university employees who are mandated reporters must make required reports to child protection or law enforcement agencies. UC Merced also encourages all members of the university community (faculty, staff, students, volunteers) who observe, have actual knowledge of, or reasonably suspect child abuse or neglect at a university facility or function, including off-site functions, or perpetrated by university personnel, to promptly report the concern. Separate from CANRA, California law requires any person who reasonably believes he or she has observed murder, rape or certain lewd or lascivious acts where the victim is a child under the age of 14 years to notify a peace officer (such as a campus or community police officer or a county sheriff) of the potential crime. This reporting mandate applies whether or not the witness is a mandated reporter and regardless of his or her affiliation with the university. For more information, visit: https://protectminors.ucmerced.edu/
Not ready to report? Consider confidential resources
Office of the Ombuds
The Office of the Ombuds is designed to serve as a safe, alternative channel for confidential, neutral and informal dispute resolution services. Students can come to the office and explore their resources and strategies for campus-related issues or concerns. This could include workplace issues, interpersonal conflicts, academic concerns, bureaucratic slow-downs and other problems. Our services are always voluntary, and reports do not constitute a formal notice to the university. Discussion with an Ombudsperson is off the record. The Office advocates for fair, equitable and healthy campus climate. For more information visit: https://ombuds.ucmerced.edu/
CARE Office
You may want to contact the campus advocate to discuss your options before you report, and it is your right to have an advocate present while you talk to law enforcement or campus officials. UC Merced Campus Advocate: 209-386-2051 Valley Crisis Center 24-hour hotline: 209-722-4357 If you are a survivor of sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and/or stalking, you have the choice to report these crimes to law enforcement and/or the Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) Office. They may investigate and pursue action against perpetrators if the survivor so desires. For more information visit: https://care.ucmerced.edu/
The mission of UC Merced Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is to support the mental health and well-being of our students. It is the intention of all CAPS staff to provide a safe, confidential atmosphere of acceptance and accessibility to professionals in the field of psychology. Services specialize in the unique needs of UC Merced students in an effort to promote their academic, personal and social development. For more information visit: https://counseling.ucmerced.edu/